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Showing posts from September 28, 2024


Nightbitch is a Hilarious Tale about a Mother Who Turns into a Dog

  Warning: Will contain major spoilers for Nightbitch The title to this book caught my attention, ( obviously, that is a genius title ), and I had to buy it. I binged read this story, and I thoroughly enjoyed this tale.  The story follows a mother who is struggling with her motherhood. She has a loving husband and loves her child to death. Unfortunately, she gave up her career job for motherhood, leading to her becoming frustrated.  Then she realizes she has the power to become a dog.  Yeah.  Now isn’t that a surprising twist? It comes out of nowhere, but it really fits the narrative, because of how hilarious this story is!  The mother is a portrayal of all mothers feel when they become a parent. The mother in this story is hilarious, but at the same time, you do feel bad for her. It’s tough to give up your passion in life for your child, and the mother’s point of view conveys so many emotions she experiences.  Despite all of this, she realizes that she can be happy. Once she finds out

Nightbitch is a Hilarious Tale about a Mother Who Turns into a Dog