
Nightbitch is a Hilarious Tale about a Mother Who Turns into a Dog


Warning: Will contain major spoilers for Nightbitch

The title to this book caught my attention, (obviously, that is a genius title), and I had to buy it. I binged read this story, and I thoroughly enjoyed this tale. 

The story follows a mother who is struggling with her motherhood. She has a loving husband and loves her child to death. Unfortunately, she gave up her career job for motherhood, leading to her becoming frustrated. 

Then she realizes she has the power to become a dog. 


Now isn’t that a surprising twist?

It comes out of nowhere, but it really fits the narrative, because of how hilarious this story is! 

The mother is a portrayal of all mothers feel when they become a parent.

The mother in this story is hilarious, but at the same time, you do feel bad for her. It’s tough to give up your passion in life for your child, and the mother’s point of view conveys so many emotions she experiences. 

Despite all of this, she realizes that she can be happy. Once she finds out that she can become a dog, she embraces her abilities, giving in to her motherly instincts. She is a free spirit now, doing whatever she wants. 

I think the point of the dog transformation is kind of like a metaphor for mothers. 

The author herself stated that she wrote this book, because she was frustrated that she had to give up her career, but she embraced her motherhood. 

I think the dog transformation is kind of like how the mother unleashes all of her emotions. It’s pretty insane in this story, and it’s kind of cute that her son finds out about his mother’s transformation, spending time with her. 

The characters in this story are also pretty crazy, especially when it comes to the family of the mother. 

The mother’s family is kind of…insane. I’m not exaggerating here.

The mother’s family in this book is a whole another level of insanity. I was expecting her family to be normal, but it turns out, that the mother got married to an odd man, and even their kid is pretty interesting. 

The husband…is out of this world. 

The first time they meet, he exposes his dark secrets to the mother, and I will not go into any detail, because it’s…wow. Just picture dark web videos, and I think that’s enough graphic detail. 

The mother watches the videos, and she becomes so fascinated with her husband, realizing that he is different and unique. 

Then there is a scene of the husband when he finds his wife outside acting like a dog, and he takes her back inside of the house, taking care of her, and happy to be with her. 

It’s pretty bizarre, but I guess the mother found the perfect person to be able to handle her transformations lol. 

Her kid really grows to love his mother, and he has so much fun with both her human side and her dog side. Heck, toward the end of the book, the mother and her son perform an art show, acting like two dogs. 

So…that is a strange family, alright. 
If you want to read this story, please heed this warning, several scenes might disgust you, it’s honestly kind of sick. Other than that, you might spend the rest of the book laughing your ass off!

Thank you for reading!

Emy Quinn
