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The Ghost Girl

  My grandma lost her right eye when she was nine years old. I asked my mother constantly when I was young, curious about what happened to her.  My mother told me each time that she didn’t know herself, and told me to never ask her, because it was probably traumatic for her. Then my grandma surprised me by telling me the story. It wasn’t what I was expecting.  I assumed she had lost her eye during a horrible accident, but I was met with a supernatural story instead. She told me everything, pointing at the black eyepatch now covering her right eye.  “I saw a little girl when I decided to go for a walk on an abandoned trail. You know the one called Ghost Trail, the one by the river?” I nodded.  “I saw her there when I decided to run away from home, again. She was giggling, walking ahead of me. I grew curious, and I caught up to her. Then I saw her face.” She grew quiet, before continuing on with the story.  “She had no eyes. The top of her face was a blank slate. It was just skin. Then b

Evil Dead Rise is the Most Tragic Film in the Evil Dead Franchise


Credit to Flickering Myth

Evil Dead Rise received critical acclaim when it was released in theaters. It also received the most money in the franchises' history, grossing about $147 million worldwide. The film's success was due to a number of factors: One of the best deadite performances in the franchise thanks to the actress Alyssa Sutherland, amazing gore effects, a claustrophobic environment for the characters, great sound design, and the fantastic cast that brought each of these characters to life. 

However, there is one element that truly stood out in the film. 

It is the first Evil Dead film to focus on a family. 

This new take on the Evil Dead films was a genius move. Bringing a loving family into such a chaotic nightmare is more impactful when the kills center on a single family member one by one. It is tragic to watch the family members get murdered. It made the deaths more chilling and horrible, knowing that they are just going to come back as vessels for demons to murder what is left of the family. 

The family concept is truly what made the film stand out among the other ones in the franchise. I can't wait to see what new film is going to be released next. I hope that we get another original crew like the family in Evil Dead Rise; I would like to see different people bite the dust instead of a group of friends. 

Thank you for reading!
Emy Quinn
