A Creepypasta Horror Story That Left Me Feeling Scared Involved a Showerhead


Credit to Goodreads

Creepypasta is a genre that involved a huge community of horror fans that shared their own written horror stories with the world. These stories have been seen as memorable and entertaining to read by creepypasta fans. There is one story that left me feeling creeped out. 

I discovered this story when I was watching the amazing horror podcast: CreepCast. 

YouTubers Wendigoon and Meat Canyon went over this creepy tale, and I couldn't believe I have never heard of this story before! This story was written by Dylan Sindelar, and it centers around a kid who is told a scary story by one his teachers in school. He talks about how he and his friends found a building in the middle of nowhere that contained a bunch of showerheads with scary children that resembled monsters. 

The teacher confessed years later to the kid who was now in college, that he lied about one thing. One of his friends had died that day, after the showerhead encounter. Curiosity got the best of the kid, and he convinces a friend of his to go with him to find this place. It turns out to be a huge mistake, when the kid finds the showerheads, leaking some kind of horrible substance. 

The showers concept is way too good and eerie. Picturing an endless row of showerheads that are leaking an unknown liquid is terrifying. I love how the author didn't clarify what was dripping from the showerheads, I had a gut feeling it was rotted bodies; and it made me feel sick. 

This story is excellently written, and the point of the view of the main character is executed so well! Choosing the point of view of first person to tell this story was perfect, it provided a horrible experience for me as a reader, because I felt like I was there along with the protagonist. I hated every second of that sequence and I loved it at the same time! It's a great story with unanswered questions, sometimes not telling the whole story can give an audience a great horror experience!

I did hear that there is a written copy of The Showers, but I'm not sure if it can be found anywhere. I would love to own a copy of this story sometime in the future, and I'm hoping I will one day obtain this story! 

Thank you for reading!
Emy Quinn


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