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Smile 2 is Taking on a Genius Point of View Through a Pop Star

  Credit to Parade I finally watched the Smile 2 trailer in theaters when I went to go watch A Quiet Place: Day One (it was surprisingly a great film).  I was so surprised when the main character was revealed.  I was not expecting the film to focus on a pop star.  Finally, something original and new in the horror genre! I always wondered how it would be like if someone famous were to experience a horrible curse. The smile curse concept coming after a pop star through the many disguises of her fans is honestly terrifying.  Her fans are going to take on a sinister edge, meaning that nowhere is truly safe for this pop star.  The trailer showed enough for me to become totally hyped up for the film, I'm so excited to watch Smile 2 in theaters on October 18th. I have yet to watch the first film, but I'm glad to see that we are getting a brand-new perspective in the sequel! Thank you for reading!  Emy Quinn

A Professor in College Was Really Fond of My “Horror Brain”


When I was in college, I had one professor that really praised my love for horror. She was concerned at times, wondering if perhaps I was going through personal stuff at home. Then over time, she realized I was just really in love with the genre.

She thought I was an interesting sort of student, a bit odd, a bit funny, but she admired how much I truly loved the genre. My professor came to look forward to my writing, testing me with writing all kinds of poem structures.

Her college course was based on poetry writing, and it was quite a challenge for me.

Poems have never been my forte.

I’ve always been really bad at writing poems. I struggled for many years, even when I entered college; I still had a hard time adjusting.

Then I met my poetry professor, who liked to put her students to the test. I felt like I never properly learned how to write poems throughout the course, but overall, it was a great experience for me.

The professor knew how to juggle all of her student’s brains.

She knew how to dissect each of our heads, to figure out how we can write our poems to utter perfection. I was very surprised that she knew how to tackle my brain. She found a way to press my buttons and bring out my true potential.

My professor helped me unleash ideas in my head that I never thought was possible. Due to her amazing course and her teaching, I now have dreams of wanting to become a horror novelist or comic book writer.

Dreams that I never thought could be achievable, have now been implanted in my head to become a reality.

She gave me the key to unlock my hidden potential.

I’m thankful for her. I always will be. It is truly a shame that I will never be able to thank her in person. I wished I had asked her for her email information or her contacts.

Perhaps I could have kept in touch with her, like other professors I grew very fond of over the years.

All I want is to tell her one thing. For helping me learn that I capable of writing spooky stories and disturbing poems of death and love:

Thank you.

Thank you for reading!

Emy Quinn


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