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Smile 2 is Taking on a Genius Point of View Through a Pop Star

  Credit to Parade I finally watched the Smile 2 trailer in theaters when I went to go watch A Quiet Place: Day One (it was surprisingly a great film).  I was so surprised when the main character was revealed.  I was not expecting the film to focus on a pop star.  Finally, something original and new in the horror genre! I always wondered how it would be like if someone famous were to experience a horrible curse. The smile curse concept coming after a pop star through the many disguises of her fans is honestly terrifying.  Her fans are going to take on a sinister edge, meaning that nowhere is truly safe for this pop star.  The trailer showed enough for me to become totally hyped up for the film, I'm so excited to watch Smile 2 in theaters on October 18th. I have yet to watch the first film, but I'm glad to see that we are getting a brand-new perspective in the sequel! Thank you for reading!  Emy Quinn

I Interviewed a Woman That Had Been Missing for a Decade


The woman that had been missing for years was sitting right in front of me. She had a scarf wrapped around her throat. She kept looking around the room, placing her fingernails against her neck. Her teeth would clench together, as if she was itching terribly on her throat, but she refused to remove her scarf.

My partner and I looked at each other. It was time to interview the mystery woman that was pronounced dead just a year before. Her family gave up, assuming she was kidnapped and murdered. I took a deep breathe.

“Where have you been all these years, ma’am? Your family was worried sick about you for the past decade,” I asked.

The woman played with the ends of her scarf.

“Away. I couldn’t…stay with my family.”

“Couldn’t stay? Why?”

The woman made eye contact with me. My partner sat back right away. I was frozen in disbelief. The woman’s eyes were pure black. Then as if it was a trick of the light, her eyes were now their pretty shade of blue.

“What the fuck? What was that? How did you do that?,” my partner asked with a wobbly edge to his voice.

The woman began to massage her temple.

“On the day I went missing, I wanted to go for a walk along the beach. I told David and my kids I would be back. I saw something in the water. Then went I got closer, it wrapped around my leg…and then it crawled inside of me. All I saw was black. When I woke up…something was wrong.”

The woman reached up to remove her scarf. My partner released a scream. I stood up from my chair, backing away toward the door.

There was an extra mouth on her throat.

It was a vertical pair of large lips, extending all the way from her chin and ending right above her breasts. Sharp teeth protruded in every inch of her new throat. A large tongue flicked out back and forth, saliva dripping from its lips. The woman used the scarf to clean up the drool.

Her eyes met mine. My partner was busy screaming hysterically. I could hear shouting from the police station, my other co — workers about to enter the room.

“I’ve tried everything to control it. It is so hungry.”

The woman’s throat released a heavy roar, echoing throughout the room. Other police officers burst through the door, some of them with their guns drawn.

I shut my eyes, as the screams of my co — workers swarmed around me. I never opened them, even when I felt the woman’s tongue flick across my face. I never got the chance to scream as it bent me in two to fit into its mouth.

Thank you for reading!

Emy Quinn


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