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Smile 2 is Taking on a Genius Point of View Through a Pop Star

  Credit to Parade I finally watched the Smile 2 trailer in theaters when I went to go watch A Quiet Place: Day One (it was surprisingly a great film).  I was so surprised when the main character was revealed.  I was not expecting the film to focus on a pop star.  Finally, something original and new in the horror genre! I always wondered how it would be like if someone famous were to experience a horrible curse. The smile curse concept coming after a pop star through the many disguises of her fans is honestly terrifying.  Her fans are going to take on a sinister edge, meaning that nowhere is truly safe for this pop star.  The trailer showed enough for me to become totally hyped up for the film, I'm so excited to watch Smile 2 in theaters on October 18th. I have yet to watch the first film, but I'm glad to see that we are getting a brand-new perspective in the sequel! Thank you for reading!  Emy Quinn

I Took a Horror Personality Test to Figure Out if I Was Considered a Final Girl During a Murder Spree


Credit to Woman in blue jacket standing near red and black building photo — Free Russia Image on Unsplash

I decided to take a personality test online to see what kind of horror survivor I would be in a sudden murder spree taking place at a party. What sort of smart decisions would I make? Could I survive until the very end?

Here are the results to the party massacre:

Question 1: An old friend from college invites me to a dinner party to celebrate his engagement to his long-term girlfriend. What do I do once I arrive?

Answer: I decide to talk with some old friends.

I’m not the kind of person that is immediately going to get wasted at a party. I’ve never been much of a drinker, so I don’t really care for that kind of environment. If I’m going to a party, there better be some old friends I can hang with! Hanging with a stranger could prove to be dangerous.

Question 2: During the party, the lights suddenly go out. What do I do?

Answer: I try to call the police.

I’m never spending time on my phone the whole time if I’m hanging with friends, so I would have plenty of charge on my phone. I would attempt to call the police, because that is what you should do. Even if it isn’t anything serious in the beginning, you might never know what could happen.

Avoiding a possible dangerous situation is something any final girl should be aware of!

Question 3: You find out there is no cell reception, and all the doors are now locked, you can’t leave the house. One of your friends begins to panic. What do I do?

Answer: I would comfort her.

In a horrible situation, panicking will only make things worse. I have learned on my own that staying calm is the best thing to do. You can show everyone around you that as long as we stay calm, everything will be alright. (Hopefully).

People who panic tend to be the ones who die first in any horror scenario.

Question 4: The group wants to split up to try and find a way out. A cute guy that caught your attention earlier attempts to hit on you when you walk into a bedroom to search for a possible way out. What do I do?

Answer: Tell him straight out that it is not the time.

Why people think it is okay to start flirting during a sudden blackout is stupid. You’re inviting the killer to strike at any given moment, making yourself very vulnerable.

In my personal opinion, I would get very angry inside if a random dude attempted to hit on me at that moment. I do have a problem with strangers, so I would suspect something is already up with that dude. Too weird.

Question 5: The group meets up in the dining room of the house. We notice that someone is missing. What do we do?

Answer: Search for the person as a group.

Splitting up is such a stupid move in any horror movie. You are asking to die at that point. You have a higher chance with safety in numbers. The killer would hesitate to strike, because it would be quite silly to attack a group of people at once.

Question 6: The group separates to explore the different bedrooms in the hallway. We are still staying as close as we possibly can. I find a dead girl’s body in one of the bedrooms. What do I do?

Answer: Immediately tell the group.

You need to let the group know right away about the dead girl. Refusing to share this information is insane, and makes you suspicious if you don’t.

Make sure to let them know how she died too, as messed up as that sounds. You need to let everyone know what kind of killer you are dealing with. Try not to grieve at that moment, stay as strong as you possibly can.

You don’t want the killer to think you’re becoming weak.

Question 7: The group panics once more people start to disappear. They decide to lock up the cute guy in a closet, since they have no idea who he is. What do I do?

Answer: I ask him questions through the closet. I don’t step any closer to the doors, afraid he might be the killer.

Don’t always assume who the killer is right away. It is downright dumb to make assumptions without having all the information in the palm of your hand. I would ask the cute guy questions through the closet, just to receive any sort of info to figure out who the killer is.

If he were to make his own accusations, I wouldn’t listen. The killer could be any one of us. (Except me, of course).

Question 8: Morning arrives. The killings stopped. The group was able to break down the front door. The cute guy asks if he could talk to you for a moment. You go somewhere private, and he pulls a knife on you. He says he has been the killer this whole time. What do I do?

Answer: Attack him.

This is not exactly a wise decision, but if I can’t win; at least I can go down fighting. I would not have bothered even going anywhere private with a stranger, but that wasn’t one of the answer choices, so…yeah.

Fighting to the death it is, then.

You can also freak out the killer, because they wouldn’t see that coming.

Results of my personality test.

You are a smart person that wants to survive. You don’t make stupid decisions, unlike your comrades. You do things to ensure your survival, even if they are a little risky.

You are a final girl.

I was thrilled to read that last part. Damn right I’m a final girl. I have seen enough horror movies to know what to do. I’m not dying. No way in hell I want to get stabbed to death or worse.

I wouldn’t want the killer to know I died in fear.

I want the killer to know that I’m not going down without a fight!

Thank you for reading!

Emy Quinn


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