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Smile 2 is Taking on a Genius Point of View Through a Pop Star

  Credit to Parade I finally watched the Smile 2 trailer in theaters when I went to go watch A Quiet Place: Day One (it was surprisingly a great film).  I was so surprised when the main character was revealed.  I was not expecting the film to focus on a pop star.  Finally, something original and new in the horror genre! I always wondered how it would be like if someone famous were to experience a horrible curse. The smile curse concept coming after a pop star through the many disguises of her fans is honestly terrifying.  Her fans are going to take on a sinister edge, meaning that nowhere is truly safe for this pop star.  The trailer showed enough for me to become totally hyped up for the film, I'm so excited to watch Smile 2 in theaters on October 18th. I have yet to watch the first film, but I'm glad to see that we are getting a brand-new perspective in the sequel! Thank you for reading!  Emy Quinn

I Went Viral on TikTok with a Short Horror Story and it was Hilarious


I do not care about TikTok. I’ve never liked the app, I feel that too many dumb people are on there, that desperately want attention or clout. Then I asked myself: “Why not make an account for the hell of it?”

I decided to create an account to post short horror stories. For entertainment purposes, and to see if I could actually gain a following.

It actually worked.

I started off slow, like many people do in the beginning. Then one of my horror stories went viral on the app. A horror story that I never expected to peak everyone’s interests. A simple story about two little girls who took a photo with their dead mother.

This was obviously a fake story, because I would never post a real image of an actual crime or death. I’m not desperate for views.

Then the video skyrocketed to 3.1 million views.

It was viral for two weeks straight, and I gained 4,500 followers.

Then the debate of whether the video was real or not occurred with my new followers and other commentors.

I couldn’t believe that 447 strangers argued over the video. They went back and forth with each other, trying to figure out if the photo was real. I did not bother with trying to correct everyone.

Instead, I was dying of laughter with reading the comments.

I was in shock. It was a simple photo that was obviously photoshopped. Yet, people believed it was real. I even showed my family, and they instantly said: “Oh yeah, that is totally fake.”

So why did my family know it was fake right off the bat? Compared to that of a couple hundred people that thought it was real?

Is it because they are always on their phones, that they become trapped in their world of social media? I guess that would make sense, but it scares me at the same time. I personally thought it was funny as hell, but knowing that there are people that believe everything they find on the Internet is insane. About 400 people thought this fake photo was real. Bummer.

I’m now close to 10,000 followers on TikTok. A neat little achievement, I guess.

I now have a mini goal of reaching 10K followers. I just want to see if I can reach the limit. It’s crazy to think that because of that video, I now know what it’s like to have a social media audience. I don’t care to get paid on TikTok, because it’s only for fun.

Not for personal gain.

I’m curious to see if I will reach 1,000 followers on Medium before I hit the 10K mark on TikTok. I’m hoping for the latter. (I mean Medium of course). I feel that the audience on Medium is very genuine, and that they really care about everyone’s work on the platform.

I would love to eventually reach achieving an income through the horror genre on Medium. Living off my writing is the main dream for me, and I would be in heaven for the rest of my life. How I dream of traveling the world, knowing that my writing was the reason why I was able to finally take my family on a trip!

It’s about time that I leave Texas. I want to see the world, not look at it through social media.

It’s not real, until you’re there.

Thank you for reading!

Emy Quinn


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