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‘Late Night with the Devil’ Delivers a Masterpiece Through an Original and Refreshing Take on the 70s in a Great Horror Concept

  Credit to  Late Night with the Devil (BYOB) Tickets, Multiple Dates | Eventbrite It has been a long time since I have seen a great horror film that left me terrified from beginning to end. I will admit, it has been years since I have felt this particular fear.  Finally, after three years, I have finally found another horror film that gave me the same terror I have truly missed.  Late Night with the Devil is the must see - horror film of this year.  It is a spectacular horror concept that delivers one of the best stories and scares I have seen in a very long time. The film is about a TV host in the 70s that is determined to become the number one late night show. The host and his crew decide to embark on a dangerous ride, by having actual evil present in their studio.  Playing with fire obviously leads to utter terror among the crew and audience, leaving the viewers completely mesmerized by what the film is going to do next. This film was such a refresher for me as a horror fan.  I wat

Saw X Ranking the Traps


Credit to MovieWeb

I have finally watched the anticipated Saw X that I couldn't believe was actually a good Saw movie. The franchise had currently reached a bit of a low bar in the beginning with the first two films, but the third film in the new reboot was the perfect comeback in the franchise. 

The story was done in a new sort of fashion, featuring John Kramer as the main character, the chemistry between John and Amanda was amazing to watch, the gore was back to its roots of being uncomfortable and brutal to watch, and the people placed in the traps actually had it coming this time!

The traps in this film are probably some of the best traps ever created in the Saw franchise. The brutality of each trap along with the realism of the actors made each trap stand out in their own way!

8. The Eye Vacuum Trap 

Credit to Bloody Disgusting

This trap was a figment of John Kramer's imagination when he was witnessing a nurse about to steal items from a patient in the hospital where John was receiving his cancer treatment. The trap was simple, but extremely effective when it came to the bloody part. To escape the trap, the nurse had to break all five of his fingers that he used for stealing with a dial that would go one by one with his fingers. In my opinion, the pain that he could have endured wasn't all that bad compared to the other traps in this film. 

Don't get me wrong, breaking ones own fingers sounds so freaking painful, but this would be the only trap where I wouldn't hesitate. It's better to severely break five fingers than get my own two eyes sucked out and left to bleed to death. 

7. The Radiation Trap

Credit to Reddit

The radiation trap is so messed up. The person chosen for this trap was a young girl posing as a helper to the hospital staff that claims to cure all cancer from the bodies of their patients. Obviously, John Kramer got very angry when he realized his cancer was never removed, and he immediately set to work on creating the worst traps for this group of con artists. 

The young girl, Gabriella, was dangled by her leg and arm in the ceiling, an actual radiation device placed in front of her. In order to escape, she has to break both chains with a large hammer, that would result in breaking her hand and leg. Oh yeah, and she would also receive major burns on her face, that would result in skin grafts or possibly cancer. 

I have a gut feeling that Kramer purposely made these traps too over the top for this group of people, so that they would suffer before they died. Brutal stuff, but I guess that is what happens if you con people.

Kudos to Gabriella for actually being able to escape from this trap. I can't imagine the pain she felt breaking her bones and burning her face. Wow.

6. The Disembowelment Trap 

Credit to Saw Wiki

The reason why I'm putting this trap a little low, is because we never actually got to see it in action. 
It looked so brutal, knowing that the dude was going to have to literally cut his stomach open. It was his punishment, and well deserved; since he was part of the con artist group. He pretended to be a patient and show everyone his fake scar as prove he was cured of his cancer. What a terrible massive manipulator move!

5. The Bloodboarding Trap 

Credit to Fangoria

This trap was so freaking creative. It is sort of like a seesaw trap, where both individuals can use a lever to take turns getting water boarded with actual blood. Disgusting and sick, and I loved every minute of it. This trap turned out to be a twist trap, intended for John Kramer and Amanda. This was meant to be a sort of test to make the leader of the con artists and her partner in crime believe they have won Kramer's game. Unfortunately, Kramer is forced to partake with a child as the other victim in the game, when the leader of the con artists, Celicia, chooses to force an innocent soul into Kramer's game. 

Both the child and Kramer survive, each taking the brunt of the blood to their faces when the game is eventually stopped once Celicia and her partner find themselves caught in a twist trap designed by Kramer!

4. The Gas Chamber Trap 

Credit to Saw Wiki

The twist trap involved an actual gas chamber, where Celicia and her partner have to fight to the death for the one space where they can freely breathe and hopefully survive. The poison gas is deadly, resulting in their own skin falling off after a long period of time of being exposed to the gas. Celicia wins the game, and kills her own boyfriend. She survives, and John Kramer leaves with Amanda and the child, as a sort of get luck to her character for winning his game. 

It made me wonder afterwards how the rest of her body looks like now. I have a gut feeling that her skin is now gone from the rest of her body, because that gas was deadly as hell. That gas definitely burned through their own clothes. I was upset that she survived at first, but she did suffer a lot, and possibly lost her career and lost all her money. Karma sucks. 

3. The Pipe Bomb Trap

Credit to MovieWeb

The pipe bomb trap made me physically cringe. The trap was so simple, yet incredibly deadly. The victim was Diego, a young man that was the both the taxi driver and surgeon for John Kramer's cancer treatment. Diego is thrown into a disturbing trap, where he has to cut off his own skin from both of his arms with a scalpel to avoid getting blown up by the pipe bombs attached to his arms. He pretty much has to cut the pipe bombs literally out of his own two arms. 

It's a perfect start for the Saw X film to start off with this trap. 

I couldn't believe that Diego actually went through with cutting off his own skin. It was so gory and hard to watch. Watching Diego successfully remove the pipe bombs shocked me. I couldn't help but root for his character afterwards, he proved himself to Kramer; that he wanted to live. 

Diego was a trooper. I honestly would have instantly give up. I don't want to know how it feels to remove one's own skin. 

2. The Brain Surgery Trap 

Credit to KCCI

The brain trap was absolutely insane. Mateo, one of the con artists that posed as one of the nurses; had to cut out a piece of his brain to dissolve in acid to receive the key to his freedom. 

Once John Kramer announced this trap to Matoe, I knew he was going to die. I strongly believe that Kramer wanted him to bite the dust. It shocked me that he attempted to even go through with it. He literally began to cut open an actual hole in his head, to remove a small piece of his brain with pliers. 

The effects were way too raw for me to handle, and I hated how real it looked. The gore effects team did such a great job with developing all of these traps. It didn't also help that Mateo's actor did such a good job acting like he was physically in pain and freaking out with what he was doing to himself. 

Obviously, Mateo didn't make it all the way, and the device attached to his head slammed closed on his face; frying him alive. 

It was sort of a mocking gesture, since Kramer did learn a little bit of history about the Aztecs. 

1. The Gigli Saw Trap

Credit to Nerdist

This is the best trap in Saw X

The Gigli Saw Trap is the first trap that is tested by Valentina in the group, another con artist that pretended to be a nurse like Mateo. Her acting truly sells the brutal progression of the trap. The actress made her terror and pain so realistic, that I actually hated to see her go through it. 

She was determined to survive, and with a little coaching from her crook buddies, she was able to go through with the trap. John Kramer told her that in order to escape, she has to saw off her own leg with a sharp wire, then have blood get sucked out of her by a tube into a bottle to reach a certain limit. If she fails, her own head will be sawed off by the wire placed in her front of her neck. 

It was downright ruthless what Kramer designed for Valentina. I strongly believe once again that Kramer really wanted her to get killed. 

That trap takes guts to even go through with it, who wouldn't hesitate? 

Watching Valentina almost survive was insane, she was so close, but she missed her survival chance by mere seconds. Watching that trap remove her head and watching the body fall in the background as Celicia turned away in horror was awesome. This was the best trap, and the execution of it was perfect. 

If you want to watch Saw X, or just want to watch the traps on YouTube, good luck. This film is brutal, and does not show mercy to anyone!

Thank you for reading!
Emy Quinn


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