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Nicholas Cage is Truly a Masterpiece in the Horror Genre

  Credit to Flickering Myth One of the few actors I never imagined would become part of the horror genre is the wonderful Nicholas Cage. I can't believe that we horror fans have been blessed with such a fantastic actor.  I have been a fan of Cage in his past movies, but I never thought that he would ever do a sudden switch to a brand-new genre! Cage truly has performed the best roles for us horror fans! Red ( Mandy ) Dracula ( Renfield ) Paul Matthews ( Dream Scenario ) Nathan Gardener ( Color Out of Space ) Mystery Character ( Longlegs ) The Janitor ( Willy's Wonderland ) I think it's incredible how much range Cage has as an actor for the horror universe. He can play a vampire, a father determined to protect his family, a man who wants to take vengeance for the love of his life that was lost, a janitor who never speaks, and a normal dude who happens to appear in everyone's dreams.  (Sorry I haven't mentioned some of his other horror movies. I haven't seen them,

The Retaliators Was a Surprising Story About Blood Soaked Revenge


Credit to Horror Nation

I was searching for an original horror film to check out, and I came across a film I have been curious to watch for a long time, The Retaliators. The image and is title caught my attention, and I told myself I would watch the film once I came across the movie on a streaming platform. 

I got lucky with the platform Tubi, and I was finally given the chance to check out the film.

I was blown away by the third act of the film. 

The Retaliators is a film that has been done many times, a horror film that focuses on the grief of a parent that loses their child from a ruthless killer. The father promises to exact revenge, no matter what. He eventually finds his daughter's killer, and this where the film takes an insane turn. 

You expect the father to not go through with his revenge and leave the killer alive; not having the guts to take revenge for what he lost. Then something insane happens. 

The man that helped the father find his daughter's killer confessed that he kept multiple monsters in his underground torture chamber, and each of them had become mindless zombies. The father attempts to escape and ends up unleashing all of the mindless humans upon him, where he must fight to the death. 

The third act was exciting and gory as hell, it was just so shocking to watch. The first two acts of the film consisted of the father grieving and wanting revenge. Then he is forced into a literal bloodbath. 

The third act is what truly made the film so great. It is so unexpected, and it pays a huge homage to the old school slashers that horror fans love. It is a gory victory for the father, and I cheered for him until the end of the film. It wasn't the perfect revenge he wanted, but he was finally at peace. 

The Retaliators is a great surprise, one that I think deserves a spot in one of the most original films ever created! 

Thank you for reading!
Emy Quinn


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