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Smile 2 is Taking on a Genius Point of View Through a Pop Star

  Credit to Parade I finally watched the Smile 2 trailer in theaters when I went to go watch A Quiet Place: Day One (it was surprisingly a great film).  I was so surprised when the main character was revealed.  I was not expecting the film to focus on a pop star.  Finally, something original and new in the horror genre! I always wondered how it would be like if someone famous were to experience a horrible curse. The smile curse concept coming after a pop star through the many disguises of her fans is honestly terrifying.  Her fans are going to take on a sinister edge, meaning that nowhere is truly safe for this pop star.  The trailer showed enough for me to become totally hyped up for the film, I'm so excited to watch Smile 2 in theaters on October 18th. I have yet to watch the first film, but I'm glad to see that we are getting a brand-new perspective in the sequel! Thank you for reading!  Emy Quinn

Top 10 “The Evil Within” Bosses


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The Evil Within is a video game series that follows detective Sebastian Castellanos, who investigates a crime scene in a mansion that leads to the discovery of another world, where monsters and evil reside. 

It is such an underrated series that needs more recognition and love in the horror genre. This series does have its flaws, but at least it is able to make up with other aspects that make the games so great to play. 

The first game was a great introduction to the series, the horror like atmosphere was delivered perfectly, but in my opinion, the game’s story was lacking. The scenes were occurring, but the story wasn’t exactly explained in the way I needed to understand what was really going on with the characters and their journeys into the darkness. 

The gameplay I will admit, was an absolute pain in the ass, how I beat a game that was automatically nightmare mode destroyed my soul. One boss killed me 17 times…the only creature in a horror game to ever give me a challenge that many times during a boss fight.

The second game is my favorite one, the gameplay was ten times better, (it was nice to finally pick a gameplay mode, thank goodness) the characters motivations were explained very well, the villains were great, an excellent twist was thrown in the story, and watching Sebastian finally achieve doing one good thing in his life is a proper goodbye to his character’s journey. 

The horror was definitely lacking, but the story made up for the game in the long run. Despite the flaws of both games, the monsters are what really makes the games stand out. Every single monster design is eerie and very imaginative, it’s like the developers made a game that was secretly a dedication to John Carpenter’s The Thing, and the game comes at a close second to rival the iconic Silent Hill monster designs.

10. The Keeper (The Evil Within)

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The Keeper is the true side boss who truly provided a fantastic start to the horror of The Evil Within game series. This boss is the reason why I got into the series in the first place. The Keeper is like Silent Hill’s Pyramid Head, he has little screen time, but his ruthlessness, his iconic weapon of choice, and his character design is what makes the character remembered by all horror fans. I will never forget my anxiety of running away from The Keeper, using all my weapons on the unkillable creature that will stop at nothing to bash Sebastian’s head in with his trusty hammer. 

Bastard never gave up; he even went as far as to rip off his own head to use as a weapon to bite off the detective’s own head. Incredible.

9. Obscura (The Evil Within 2)

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Obscura can be considered the only ‘sexy boss’ I guess. She was created by Stefano, a villain/serial killer that uses the bodies of women as his art pieces. What came out of this sadistic act was this abomination, women’s limbs combined with a camera for a head. She crawls on all fours like a spider, while making these creepy feminine noises. Her design is one of the best in The Evil Within 2, she was fun to fight, I liked the challenge of the enclosed space while she crawled on the ceiling to reach me. I wouldn’t lie that my heart was racing as I waited for the sound of the camera to go off as I had my shotgun ready to blow her head off.

8. Sentinel (The Evil Within)

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Sentinel’s boss fight is very challenging, he treats the detective like a chew toy, attempting to take down Sebastian with his strength while the player has to protect the detective’s sidekick, another law enforcement officer named Joseph. His design is so creepy, it’s like someone threw a barrel of acid all over this oversized dog, and this was the result. 

I loved the addition of his mouth extending all the way down his throat, I felt chills when he first roared at me before the boss fight began. The player cannot kill this dog, only escape with Joseph, but before you can feel relief from ‘beating,’ the boss, some last-minute shit is pulled by Joseph. 

I almost wished the game had an option of pulling a gun on Joseph when he told me very casually that he dropped his glasses in the field where the dog was. 

My dumbass had to go and retrieve the glasses as I had to fight and escape the dog again.

7. The Guardian (The Evil Within 2)

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The Guardian’s introduction in The Evil Within 2 starts off so strong and immediately left my heart beating in my chest by the time the chase scene was over. The Guardian begins a hide and seek game with Sebastian, a huge muscular female hunk with a large number of female heads attached to the body. The heads giggle and let out cries as they attempt to take you down, hunting you throughout the city. 

She is Resident Evil 2’s Mr. X, another creation from the artist crazed Stefano, that is made out of human limbs. She is very tough, similar to The Keeper from the first game. I loved the awesome reveal that she is everywhere, ready to fight. When I first stumbled upon a pile of bodies on the road, I didn’t think nothing of it, until the bodies merged together to create the Guardian. 

I never felt safe as I tried to escape from the giant, hearing the women giggling as they dragged their huge saw across the road. I secretly loved it.

6. Amalgam (The Evil Within)

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The boss who successfully killed me 17 times. I’m not sure how to describe this design…he’s made out of human limbs, sure, but I think the human skin stretched out to make…this? I’m not sure what to call it, but this thing was a tough son of a bitch. The first time I fought this creature, I thought it would be another one of those that would take a few attempts. 

No, it took hours to beat. There is no escape from this monster. No matter if you hide in a room, it will reach out, grab Sebastian, beat him by slamming him against the walls of the room, and throw him out. It’s brutal, I had to quit the game out of frustration, this fight scene was the most realistic, this beast didn’t take any crap from no one, and once the stupid purple eye appeared from its body, it became a one hit kill for the detective.

I died each time from getting eaten alive when the eye popped out, and I’m a bad shot with guns in video games, so that didn’t help either. The relief I felt when Amalgam finally died by my rifle shots was worthwhile, I enjoyed spending my points on upgrades when I killed the bastard.

5. Stefano (The Evil Within 2)

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Stefano is considered to be the main antagonist of The Evil Within 2. He is responsible for keeping Sebastian’s main motivation hidden in the realm of evil: his daughter. Stefano is a formidable foe who doesn’t give a damn, he basks in the anger of Sebastian, enjoying the chase. He never shows an ounce of fear once, he is cocky and flamboyant, as he shows off his sick monstrosities to defeat the player, while continuing his regime of torture.

Before the game is even able to reach the halfway point, Sebastian is thrown into a boss fight with the eccentric villain, and he defeats him. I thought Stefano was going to come back from the dead, but no he embraces his death with a smile, not returning to life as I hoped. 

I was so confused at first, before I could even progress that the main boss fight of the game was dead, a great twist occurs, that Stefano was actually a side boss, and was being controlled by his own master! The reveal was amazing, there was no hint of him not working alone, and the fact that Stefano still kept purposely fussing over Sebastian even before he died really showed how much he was willing to continue the experiment with using Sebastian’s daughter for his master. 

It was executed perfectly.

4. The Dead (The Evil Within)

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The zombies from the first game of the series are very hard to defeat. You expect the wandering dead to be a walk in the park, but no, they are just as tough as the main bosses in the game. Sebastian has to be careful to avoid alerting an entire swarm of zombies, they are not your typical mindless enemies like The Walking Dead walkers. They will swing machetes or knives at you, shoot crossbows or guns, and throw bombs and Molotov's at the player. I lost count how many times I died from these dead bastards, they are very aggressive, and can sometimes take out Sebastian in just one hit. How I was even able to finish this game without screaming in anger or raising a fist at the screen is beyond me.

3. Liam (The Evil Within 2)

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I’m listing Liam here on the list, because he was the hardest boss for me to defeat in The Evil Within 2. The small fighting arena and his flamethrower was extremely difficult for me, I don’t even know how I struggled to the level that I did. I think it was due to the fact I kept screwing up and getting myself engulfed in the flames during the fight that messed me up. 

I don’t exactly have patience when it comes to video game boss fights. I like to charge in and fight, so you would think I had learned my lesson from the first game, but no, I didn’t. Liam’s story is so tragic in part 2, Sebastian runs into him after Liam saves him from a deadly fate, providing him shelter and supplies. Liam unfortunately falls victim to the evil, allowing it to enter his body and transform him into a fiery beast. I felt sort of bad killing him, I mean he was a great character, but he had killed me about 6 times, so I wasn’t really that quick to forgive him. 

I was grateful for his magical coffee that completely raised Sebastian’s health bar to the maximum, so I couldn’t really stay mad at him for long.

2. Laura (The Evil Within)

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Who couldn’t forget Laura? 

Besides the Keeper, Laura was the boss who gave The Evil Within its name.

She is the epitome of evil and darkness. She will emerge from the shadows at any point of the game, ready to kill Sebastian. She was even harder than her brother, Laura killed me more times than I can count in every single scene she appeared. The anxiety I felt as I ran down the hallway, stopping to look back to see that she was still behind me made my heart stop. 

I could never actually escape her, and her one hit kills made it so hard for my playthrough. I hated that I had to get so close to her creepy ass to throw a torch at her to light her on fire. It was satisfying to listen to her screams of agony, but she always came back for more. 

Laura has been the only horror boss in the history of horror games to make me feel like I was going to die for real, she is the queen of horror female bosses, and no one can convince me otherwise.

1. Sebastian’s Wife (The Evil Within 2)

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I’m aware that many fans complained that the final boss fight to The Evil Within 2 was very boring, and I kind of have to agree. Myra appears as a snowlike monster that towers over Sebastian, as she tries to kill her husband from getting to their daughter. The fight was the easiest of the entire series of The Evil Within, I was expecting a full-on battle royale, but the fight was pretty short, and her attacks were easy to predict. 

However, the ending to this game 100% made up for the lackluster fight. The Evil Within 2 ends on a sad note, Sebastian is finally able to break through the barrier to get to his daughter, where another twist is revealed, (it was shown earlier in the game), that his wife was also trapped in this wicked world. I cried along with Sebastian, as Myra tells him to leave with their daughter, to raise her and give her the life she deserves.

Controlling Sebastian as he runs away with his daughter in his arms while the replica of his old life with his family is withering away with his wife is tragic and a bittersweet ending for the main protagonist. 

He is losing his wife, but he is finally able to leave the nightmare that killed his loved ones and haunted him for years. Watching Sebastian drive away with his child while the sun is shining down on them is a great ending to the game. It is a like a metaphor for Sebastian, sure the ending is corny with him driving away like many other games or films that have ended the same, but it means that Sebastian can finally embrace the light, he is no longer trapped in the shadows. 

He finally got closure from reuniting with his wife and daughter one more time, before he is able to move forward with his daughter to begin their new lives.

The Evil Within 2 did end with a post credit scene of a small hint that there may be another game, but unfortunately, I have heard that the company that created The Evil Within is now shutting down; due to the Microsoft company being such terrible and cruel bastards. At least the second game is a great ending to this underrated series, but I wonder what else the developers would have done in the third game.  

It really sucks, but I'm glad I got to play these awesome games. The experience of both stories and gameplay has left a mark on me. 

One I will never forget.

Thank you for reading!

Emy Quinn


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