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‘Late Night with the Devil’ Delivers a Masterpiece Through an Original and Refreshing Take on the 70s in a Great Horror Concept

  Credit to  Late Night with the Devil (BYOB) Tickets, Multiple Dates | Eventbrite It has been a long time since I have seen a great horror film that left me terrified from beginning to end. I will admit, it has been years since I have felt this particular fear.  Finally, after three years, I have finally found another horror film that gave me the same terror I have truly missed.  Late Night with the Devil is the must see - horror film of this year.  It is a spectacular horror concept that delivers one of the best stories and scares I have seen in a very long time. The film is about a TV host in the 70s that is determined to become the number one late night show. The host and his crew decide to embark on a dangerous ride, by having actual evil present in their studio.  Playing with fire obviously leads to utter terror among the crew and audience, leaving the viewers completely mesmerized by what the film is going to do next. This film was such a refresher for me as a horror fan.  I wat

Silent Hill Homecoming Deserves a Bigger Fanbase for the Monsters Presented in the Game


Credit to Bloody Disgusting

I know that everyone has their own opinions when it comes to Silent Hill Homecoming. It is considered to be the worst game in the franchise, and it was due to a number of reasons. 

  • The story was lacking and cliche. 
  • The gameplay wasn't the best. 
  • The game didn't focus on any psychological aspect for the main character. 
  • The game didn't feature an environment that is supposed to mess with the main character's mind. 
  • The characters were kind of weird and their reactions to the changes of their town weren't quite there. 
  • The ending felt quick and lackluster. 
  • The main character was overly powerful against the monster fights. 
So yeah, there are a large number of reasons. 

However, there is one thing that saves this game, and makes it stand out. 

The monsters. 

The creatures in this game were the transformations of murdered children. 

That is a great concept that deserves a lot more love for the Silent Hill fanbase. 

Silent Hill Homecoming's plot is centered around a town that is chosen to select any one of their children or child for a sacrifice for the cult of Silent Hill. Unfortunately, a couple accidentally messes up, and gets wrong child that wasn't selected killed. This leads to the town getting picked off one by one by the cult or monsters. Or their own children are coming after their parents for killing them, transformed into monsters by Silent Hill. 

The twist is slowly revealed during the playthrough of the game. It was strange how the characters kept on referencing the deaths of their children, that led to the insane reveal that each of the big boss fights were children. Imagine my shock when I realized I was cutting down children with my weapons. 

It was so ballsy of the developers to do try out this tactic, and I loved the execution of it, even if it wasn't exactly the best game. That ending of Alex, the main character; apologizing to the dead body of his little brother broke me. He says sorry after being forced to take down his monster form. 

That is so traumatizing and horrific. 

This aspect is what makes Silent Hill Homecoming memorable. 

Thank you for reading!
Emy Quinn


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