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5 Goriest Deaths in Zombie Media That Made Me Feel Sick

  Zombies are beloved in the horror genre, and we horror fans have been given so many memorable films to cherish forever! I myself am a huge fan, but some of these zombie deaths have left a different mark on me.  I do love gore in horror films, but even I have my limits sometimes.  When it comes to zombie films, I always prepare myself for some really disturbing gory death scenes. They never disappoint, and I have felt sick watching people get ripped apart by these creatures.  Getting eaten alive is the worst way to go, and it’s even worse when you realize no one is coming to save you. You will endure every single bit of pain, as you feel yourself getting your own guts ripped open.  Not a pretty sight, is it? 5). David gets pulled through a window by the dead and is ripped apart in front of his friends in Shaun of the Dead. This death scene in one of the best zombie films ever made, Shaun of the Dead , is probably the death scene that all horror fans will never forget. Shaun and his fr

Was 'Eyes Wide Shut' a Happy or Dark Ending?


Eyes Wide Shut was directed by Stanley Kubrick, who became known for his horror film, The Shining. Eyes Wide Shut is a slow burn horror/mystery film, that focuses on a young couple struggling with their marriage. 

This film is fantastic, and I’m currently watching this film for a second time. It feels like I have already watched this movie multiple times, due to the amazing psychological beauty of the film. 

There are so many layers to study in every single scene, and I find myself trying to figure out the true message behind this movie. 

Kubrick has always been known for his crazy detail and hidden messages, and it fascinates and frustrates me that I will always continue to be stuck in this endless cycle of analyzing this great film. 

One aspect of the film that messed with my brain is the ending to Eyes Wide Shut. Was it supposed to be a bad ending? Or a happy one? 

The final scene in the film has haunted me, and I wonder what meaning the ending is supposed to hold for the audience!

The film follows the story of Bill Harford, who becomes determined to cheat on his wife after she confesses to a dark truth.

Bill’s wife, Alice; tells him that she would have cheated on Bill at some point in their relationship, when she fancied a young naval officer during a family trip. 

Bill loses his mind, and decides to embark on a journey of finding a woman to cheat on his wife with. 

Not playing, the movie actually follows this storyline for a long time, but it’s so compelling and strangely beautiful to watch!

During Bill’s obsession to cheat on his wife, he runs into immediate danger when he discovers a cult that thrives on using lust as a powerful tool, each member wearing a mask to hide their identity. 

Bill is unsurprisingly caught by the cult, and is thrown into a whirlwind of psychological torture. He then has no choice but to confess to Alice, telling her everything that went down that night. 

However, we don’t actually get to see the confession take place. 

What did Bill tell Alice? 

Credit to 7 Reasons Why “Eyes Wide Shut” is Stanley Kubrick’s Most Underrated Film — Page 2 — Taste of Cinema — Movie Reviews and Classic Movie Lists

The scene cuts straight to Alice crying, and Bill appearing distraught. They then agree to go do some Christmas shopping with their daughter. This part was pretty strange for me as a viewer the first time I watched that scene. 

It truly makes me wonder, did Bill tell her every single thing that happened during that night? Or did he avoid the whole truth entirely? 

  • Did he let Alice know about the cult? 
  • Did he tell her the other women he almost cheated on her with?
  • Did he explain the disturbing stuff that he witnessed with the cult?

I wouldn’t doubt that Kubrick skipped the confession scene on purpose, to let his audience use their imagination to figure out what was said between Bill and Alice. 

No matter how many times I studied this scene, I could never solve the mystery of what was actually said! 

This scene leads to the real ending of the film, and I wonder if Kubrick was trying to give us two different endings at once; or to break our minds!

Was Eyes Wide Shut a bad or good ending?

Credit to Eyes Wide Shut Ending Explained: No Dream Is Ever Just A Dream (

During Alice and Bill’s Christmas shopping with their daughter, Alice tells Bill that they must forgive each other and move on with their marriage. 

Alice states in a single word to let the audience know that the couple is going to stay together, and work on their love for one another. 

This is the happy ending. 

Which I hope is how the film ended…because the bad ending is pretty disturbing. This is a theory from horror fans online, and it is extremely dark and messed up. I’m really hoping that I’m wrong here. 

Fans have analyzed this scene, and have noticed something creepy. The couples’ daughter appears to be led away by strange men in the store, but the scene quickly cuts away as Alice and Bill talk about their marriage. 

Remember that mystery conversation that Bill and Alice had after he told her about that crazy night? 

Fans believe…that a deal was made with the cult. 

What if Bill and Alice were crying…because they were going to be forced to hand their daughter over to the cult? What if that last scene we get of their daughter in the store is Alice and Bill letting her get taken away?

What if Alice’s last words in the film to Bill implicate that they were going to fix their marriage by having another child to replace their daughter?

Now that is a dark ending. 

I really hope I’m wrong here, because the implications behind their daughter getting handed over to the cult…her fate would be beyond tragic. 

The worst part is that I wouldn’t put it past Bill and Alice to do something this heinous. They are honestly kind of selfish people, and it wouldn’t be out of character for them to do something like that. 

So…was this scene a good or bad ending? Or was it both endings? 

I don’t think I will ever know…and that really scares me. Now, please excuse me as I go back to study every single piece of evidence in the final scene of the film for the 100th time. 

Putting it that way doesn’t sound healthy, does it? 


Thank you for reading!

Emy Quinn


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