pinterest-site-verification=f146b84ea677a647403075b8d7061d53 Deadpool & Wolverine is the Perfect Gore Fest for Horror Fans Skip to main content


I'm Really Excited for Joseph Quinn as Emperor Geta in Gladiator 2

  I know this really isn't horror related, but I have wanted to bring this topic up for a long time.  After watching Joseph Quinn perform in Stranger Things as Eddie, I instantly knew that this actor was going to become huge. So far, he has already made a name for himself in the horror genre, appearing in A Quiet Place: Day One, Stranger Things , and another film that will be directed by the author who wrote American Psycho! I'm so happy to see that Quinn is now going to play a villain in Gladiator 2. I have a gut feeling he is going to deliver one of the best villain performances so far this year. I can't wait to write about Emperor Geta later on, once we get more of a glimpse into his character. Something tells me that this crazy villain is going to be delightfully insane, almost as crazy as some of my favorite horror villains! A new trailer is going to be released on September 23rd, I can't wait to see more of his character! In my opinion, I thought the music choice

Deadpool & Wolverine is the Perfect Gore Fest for Horror Fans


Warning: This article will contain spoilers for Deadpool & Wolverine.

It’s been a long time since we’ve gotten a great Marvel film. Not surprisingly, a Rated — R film is the one to save the Marvel universe. 

Deadpool & Wolverine was a great film, full of awesome cameos, great casting, fantastic storyline that was a like a self — aware parody of the multiverse, hilarious moments, and an awesome soundtrack. 

The gore also really made this film stand out. While the other Deadpool movies have been an insane gory ride, I felt this one had the most action by far. Every single fight was brutal, and no one was given a shred of mercy. 

Deadpool and Wolverine constantly got into fights against each other or against their enemies, giving fans a full bloody battle. The first fight was a literal blood bath, the creativity of the fight straight out of a horror movie. 

Deadpool goes to another universe to ask Wolverine for help, but finds a dead version of the hero instead. 

Credit to New DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE Poster Released as Number of F-Bombs in Film Revealed — GeekTyrant

Deadpool is unsuccessful in his attempt to recruit a Wolverine from a random universe to help him save the people he loves. During one of his adventures to find Wolverine, he stumbles across his grave. 

He digs up Wolverine’s body to find a way to bring him back from the dead, (he was obviously unsuccessful), and then is forced to use the skeletal body parts to take on soldiers that were sent after him by the same people that threatened to destroy Deadpool’s world. 

Doesn’t this sound like a scene in a horror movie?

Deadpool uses skeleton parts to kill a bunch of soldiers, and the kills were incredibly unique. This sequence was also freaking hilarious, because Deadpool found so many ways of taking out each soldier. 

He was also dancing to a NSYNC song during this scene, and it was so random and out of nowhere; it really made this fight stand out. 

There is even this crazy sequence with the main villain of the film, that removes the skin from a dude that said awful things about her. 

Credit to I Still Can’t Believe They Got Away With This Moment In ‘Deadpool & Wolverine’ (

One part that made my horror heart so happy, was when Deadpool and Wolverine meet the main villain of the film. Her name is Cassandra, and she reveals herself to be the twin of Charles Xavier. 

Deadpool and Wolverine were captured along with Johnny Storm (played by Chris Evans, what a wonderful cameo surprise), that apparently said terrible things about Cassandra when he was captured with the duo. 

Deadpool outright confirms every single piece of information that Storm said about Cassandra right to her face, and she proceeds to remove Johnny Storm’s skin as punishment. 

It was such an unexpected and violent death, but it was really awesome to watch as a horror fan!

Cassandra’s character was a crazy villain from the first introduction, her kills and her abilities are also straight out of a horror movie; and I loved every second of her character. 

The way Deadpool acknowledged her in every scene was freaking hilarious. That dude has no filter. I didn’t blame Wolverine for losing his patience with him. 

Deadpool & Wolverine is a great Marvel film that deserves a watch from all horror fans. Even if you’re not a fan of superhero movies, horror fans will deeply love the gore that takes place in the film. 

I wish all superhero movies were like this! 


Thank you for reading!

Emy Quinn
