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I'm Really Excited for Joseph Quinn as Emperor Geta in Gladiator 2

  I know this really isn't horror related, but I have wanted to bring this topic up for a long time.  After watching Joseph Quinn perform in Stranger Things as Eddie, I instantly knew that this actor was going to become huge. So far, he has already made a name for himself in the horror genre, appearing in A Quiet Place: Day One, Stranger Things , and another film that will be directed by the author who wrote American Psycho! I'm so happy to see that Quinn is now going to play a villain in Gladiator 2. I have a gut feeling he is going to deliver one of the best villain performances so far this year. I can't wait to write about Emperor Geta later on, once we get more of a glimpse into his character. Something tells me that this crazy villain is going to be delightfully insane, almost as crazy as some of my favorite horror villains! A new trailer is going to be released on September 23rd, I can't wait to see more of his character! In my opinion, I thought the music choice

Eyeless Jack is the Most Confusing and Hilarious Creepypasta Story Ever Written


Credit to Google

Eyeless Jack is probably the dumbest Creepypasta I have ever read. I couldn't stop laughing at the actions of every single character. The story follows a dude named Mitch, who had his home foreclosed. He was forced to move in with his brother, who he hadn't seen for ten years. This really confused me, because both brothers appeared to be close, so why didn't they see each for a full decade?

The story only gets worse from here, and it continues to get more hilarious. 

Mitch then has his kidneys get stolen in the middle of the night. You're telling me that this dude didn't wake up once? Shouldn't the pain have been so unbearable, to the point that he passed out or woke up screaming? What's more funny, is the doctor's reaction to this strange phenomenon.

He literally told Mitch they have no idea what happened, and that he was sorry. 

That's it? No announcement of an investigation from the cops, or the doctor showing much more emotion as to what happened to Mitch?

I guess no one cares in this universe. 

Another thing that took me out was Mitch waking up to find Eyeless Jack attempting to kill him. Mitch wakes up back in the hospital to learn that his brother was murdered. 

What does the doctor say?


I was already dead by this point. I kept on laughing over the craziness of the doctor's deadpan responses. This dude just wanted to get paid, he had no remorse for any of his patients. At all. 

The last part that I couldn't believe was Mitch finding his dead brother's body in the house when he decided to move back in with his parents after the murder. Why didn't the cops gather the body for evidence? You're telling me there was never any funeral held for Mitch's brother?

Did the parents even care?

I guess not. Mitch didn't appear to be that shocked about finding his dead brother either. Then he found a piece of his stolen kidney by his brother's body too. How did Mitch know it was his kidney?

Was his name written on the kidney?

I honestly have no idea. 

Then the story just ends here. 

Eyeless Jack is definitely one of those stories that will shock you in a different way, leaving you questioning the entire story. It does make for a good laugh, though!

Thank you for reading!
Emy Quinn
