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I'm Really Excited for Joseph Quinn as Emperor Geta in Gladiator 2

  I know this really isn't horror related, but I have wanted to bring this topic up for a long time.  After watching Joseph Quinn perform in Stranger Things as Eddie, I instantly knew that this actor was going to become huge. So far, he has already made a name for himself in the horror genre, appearing in A Quiet Place: Day One, Stranger Things , and another film that will be directed by the author who wrote American Psycho! I'm so happy to see that Quinn is now going to play a villain in Gladiator 2. I have a gut feeling he is going to deliver one of the best villain performances so far this year. I can't wait to write about Emperor Geta later on, once we get more of a glimpse into his character. Something tells me that this crazy villain is going to be delightfully insane, almost as crazy as some of my favorite horror villains! A new trailer is going to be released on September 23rd, I can't wait to see more of his character! In my opinion, I thought the music choice

Stolen Tongues is a Terrifying Horror Story About a Monster That We Never See


Credit to Pexels

I think this is the first Creepypasta story that has truly scared me. 

The story focuses on a couple that decides to go on a vacation to spend time together, not realizing that something is hunting them in the woods. 

Even though the couple leaves the area to go back home, whatever this threat is follows them, revealing just how powerful the evil really is. The main character is determined to save the love of his life before it’s too late. 

I thought this story would be your typical ‘cabin in the woods horror story’ but this was so original when it came to the threat. I haven’t felt so scared of a creature since the first Evil Dead film in the franchise. 

I honestly felt so sorry for the couple in this story. I couldn’t imagine going through this kind of horror. I would have broken at some point. The monster in this story is one of the scariest creatures I have seen in horror!

The powers of the monster made it a huge threat to the couple. 

Credit to Pexels

The monster had a variety of powers to use on the couple:

  • Mimicking voices
  • Shapeshifting
  • Possession

Each of these scenes that consisted of the monsters' powers had great execution. I think the scariest parts involved the possession moments when it came to the couple. 

There is a shapeshifting scene that made my heart stop. I don’t really want to bring it up here, because if you are interested in reading this story; that scene will scare the crap out of you!

Faye was controlled or possessed by the creature, and would be used like a puppet. Faye had sleepwalking issues, and the monster took advantage of her vulnerability. 

It forced her to move in a creepy way (I couldn’t stand any of these scenes, the monster didn’t know how to act human), and Faye would attempt to communicate with something outside of their home.

Yes, the monster followed the couple home!

An evil that you can’t escape from is the worse fate in a horror scenario. 

It didn’t help the situation that Faye would mimic voices and threaten Felix. That poor dude suffered so much…

The monster never shows itself to the reader, but its presence was enough for the horror to be effective!

The creature never shows its real form to anyone, and even though we do get an explanation as to what the creature is, it doesn’t take away from the horror.

The creature made its presence known to Felix and his fiancée, Faye; and that was enough for the readers to feel terrified of whatever this thing was. 

Even if it wasn’t with the couple, I could picture the fear in them. Knowing that whatever it was could come back to psychologically torture the couple once again is terrifying. 

The anticipation of that thing coming back would be too much for me. 

I would be so scared to even leave my house. 

Unfortunately, that thing would be waiting for me…

Please read Stolen Tongues! I recently heard that Felix Blackwell had released an updated version to this story as a novel format! I’m considering buying the novel, so that I could check out both versions. 

I can’t wait to read it!

The horror to Stolen Tongues is truly a wonderful masterpiece. I believe this is one of the best short horror stories I have read in years!

Thank you for reading!

Emy Quinn 

