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I'm Really Excited for Joseph Quinn as Emperor Geta in Gladiator 2

  I know this really isn't horror related, but I have wanted to bring this topic up for a long time.  After watching Joseph Quinn perform in Stranger Things as Eddie, I instantly knew that this actor was going to become huge. So far, he has already made a name for himself in the horror genre, appearing in A Quiet Place: Day One, Stranger Things , and another film that will be directed by the author who wrote American Psycho! I'm so happy to see that Quinn is now going to play a villain in Gladiator 2. I have a gut feeling he is going to deliver one of the best villain performances so far this year. I can't wait to write about Emperor Geta later on, once we get more of a glimpse into his character. Something tells me that this crazy villain is going to be delightfully insane, almost as crazy as some of my favorite horror villains! A new trailer is going to be released on September 23rd, I can't wait to see more of his character! In my opinion, I thought the music choice

5 Goriest Deaths in Zombie Media That Made Me Feel Sick


Zombies are beloved in the horror genre, and we horror fans have been given so many memorable films to cherish forever! I myself am a huge fan, but some of these zombie deaths have left a different mark on me. 

I do love gore in horror films, but even I have my limits sometimes. 

When it comes to zombie films, I always prepare myself for some really disturbing gory death scenes. They never disappoint, and I have felt sick watching people get ripped apart by these creatures. 

Getting eaten alive is the worst way to go, and it’s even worse when you realize no one is coming to save you. You will endure every single bit of pain, as you feel yourself getting your own guts ripped open. 

Not a pretty sight, is it?

5). David gets pulled through a window by the dead and is ripped apart in front of his friends in Shaun of the Dead.

This death scene in one of the best zombie films ever made, Shaun of the Dead, is probably the death scene that all horror fans will never forget. Shaun and his friends are trapped inside of a bar, surrounded by the dead.

After a terrible argument ensues between Shaun and his friends over having to shoot a family member so that they won’t become one of the zombies, a man named David in the group loses his mind. 

Even though he attempted to shoot Shaun, all his friends ask of him is an apology. He stands in front of the window where the dead are banging against (it was so obvious something bad was going to happen), as he tries to apologize to Shaun. 

Then the dead break through the window, grabbing hold of a panicking David. A huge group of the dead hold onto him as they rip open his shirt to get to his flesh. 

His friends desperately try to save him as his guts are ripped out of his stomach. 

It’s a brutal scene, and I don’t think I have ever felt disgusted with watching someone’s guts getting ripped out. 

The practical effects were amazing in this scene, and the actor who played David did an excellent job conveying his panic!

Sorry about the blurry image, I kept on taking multiple screenshots of the YouTube video for you guys to get an idea of how bad this death was. 

4). Noah’s Death in the TV show, The Walking Dead.

This death scene was too disturbing for me to watch. What’s worse, was that Noah was a really young kid, who was at the wrong place, at the wrong time. 

During a supply run that goes horribly wrong, Noah tries to escape from a horde of zombies with a friend and a stranger. All three men are caught by revolving doors, as they struggle to keep the dead away from them. 

The stranger in the trio decides to be selfish, escaping on his own to leave Noah to die. Noah’s friend tries to save him, but Noah is dragged away by the dead. 

The dead place him against one of the revolving doors as his friend is forced to watch his die. The zombies eat him from the back, and one of them reaches out to grab his mouth and rip it open. 

That was where I got really dizzy, I couldn’t imagine that type of pain. 

His death is one of the most memorable from this show!

3). A woman throws up her own guts, City of the Living Dead.

I actually stopped watching this movie after this death scene. I don’t know why, but it really bothered me the first time I saw this moment. 

A woman is hanging out with her boyfriend, but then they are found by the dead. As she begins to panic after her boyfriend is killed, she is then hypnotized by one of the dead. 

Yes, they got powers in this one. 

The woman freezes up, staring at the dead person. Blood drips down her eyes, and then she slowly vomits up all of her insides. 

Yeah. I’m not playing. 

It was so gruesome. 

Can you imagine throwing up your own intestines?

Even writing about this is making me feel like crap. :/

2). Stephen is killed while trying to escape from zombies through an elevator shaft, Dawn of the Dead 1978

While the remake to Dawn of the Dead will always remain one of the best zombie films ever made, the original deserves a lot of love too. 

In one sequence that really messed me up the first time I saw it, was when a guy named Stephen got locked in an elevator while trying to escape from the dead and bikers that break into the mall. 

Stephen attempts to escape through the top of the elevator, but the zombies are able to break through, reaching for his legs. Stephen yells in agony as they bite into his legs. 

He is able to fight them off, but he dies from his injuries, becoming one of the dead. 

This death really bothered me, because Stephen was one of the main characters, and I had no idea he was going to die like that. He was so close to escape, and he dies in a horrible way. 

1). Rhodes is torn in half by zombies in Day of the Dead.

Captain Rhodes is one of the best villains in zombie history. The first time I watched Day of the Dead, I had a love/hate feeling towards this character. 

He was willing to do whatever it took to keep his soldiers alive, even if it meant killing other survivors. He carried himself in such a way, that I couldn’t help but like this character. 

Rhodes gets his karma when the main characters decide to release a pack of zombies into the military base, leading to every soldier getting kicked. 

While every single death was so hard to watch for me as a viewer, I had to include Rhodes on this list, because his death scene is just too iconic.

Rhodes is shot by a zombie his group had been experimenting with, (yeah, they had a zombie acting pretty human in this film) and then he is pulled toward a pack of the dead. 

They literally tear him in half, dragging away his legs to eat. Rhodes screams through the pain as they are eating his insides:

“Choke on ‘Em!”

And then he dies. 

This death scene was too sick, but wow, is that an awesome quote. I gotta give it to Rhodes here, dude was evil, but he went out like a boss!

I love zombie media so much, but some of these death scenes can be a bit much for me as a viewer. You know what’s funny?

I have watched these death scenes multiple times through YouTube and also when I watch these great films again on my own. Except for City of the Living Dead, I don’t think I can bring myself to watch that death scene again…


Thank you for reading!

Emy Quinn
