pinterest-site-verification=f146b84ea677a647403075b8d7061d53 Creep 2 is a Great Sequel that Leaves Open Ended Potential for a Final Girl vs. Serial Killer Finale Skip to main content


The Ghost Girl

  My grandma lost her right eye when she was nine years old. I asked my mother constantly when I was young, curious about what happened to her.  My mother told me each time that she didn’t know herself, and told me to never ask her, because it was probably traumatic for her. Then my grandma surprised me by telling me the story. It wasn’t what I was expecting.  I assumed she had lost her eye during a horrible accident, but I was met with a supernatural story instead. She told me everything, pointing at the black eyepatch now covering her right eye.  “I saw a little girl when I decided to go for a walk on an abandoned trail. You know the one called Ghost Trail, the one by the river?” I nodded.  “I saw her there when I decided to run away from home, again. She was giggling, walking ahead of me. I grew curious, and I caught up to her. Then I saw her face.” She grew quiet, before continuing on with the story.  “She had no eyes. The top of her face was a blank slate. It was just skin. Then b

Creep 2 is a Great Sequel that Leaves Open Ended Potential for a Final Girl vs. Serial Killer Finale


Warning: Will contain spoilers for Creep 2

It isn’t easy to make a sequel to a great horror film. I was thrilled to learn that Creep had a sequel, and I finally watched it on Netflix a couple of months ago. I loved the new direction this film took!

The story now centers around a new person named Sara, who is desperate for her YouTube channel to blow up online. 

Her channel is about strange men she meets with unique personalities, and she believes she hit the jackpot with a stranger named Aaron, who turns out to be the serial killer from the first film. 

He has apparently now taken the name from Aaron from the first film, one of his victims. The killer now appears depressed, and he is trying to find his spark again with his murders. 

I was not expecting the sequel to be this great, the chemistry between the two leads is amazing!

Upon first meeting in the beginning of the film, Aaron straight up confesses that he is a serial killer to Sara.

The first time I saw this scene, I was in shock. I wasn’t expecting Aaron to tell Sara that he was a killer. Sara doesn’t buy his confession, but for me as a viewer, the stakes became much higher for Sara’s survival. 

From this point on during the film, I was so tensed up, expecting Aaron to take down Sara when I don’t expect it. Instead, we are given a lighthearted friendship between both leads.

Yeah. I’m not kidding.

Out of all the directions I was expecting, it sure as hell wasn’t a friendship between a killer and his potential new victim. With Sara, Aaron appears to be happy, a huge change from his character in the first film. 

He isn’t afraid to be himself with her, and they even play a messed-up game of scaring each other on Aaron’s property. This part was actually kind of wholesome in a weird way, Aaron even got scared by her twice during two jump scares!

Sara actually scared the hell out of a serial killer. Wow. Kudos to her.

The ending has Sara become Aaron’s final girl, hinting that they will one day run into each other again. 

Once Sara realizes that Aaron wasn’t joking about being a serial killer, she tries to get away, only to end up getting knocked out by him. Sara still gets the jump on him in the end, knocking him out with a shovel. 

I couldn’t help but laugh in this scene. It caught me off guard so bad. 

Time passes, and it cuts to a mystery person holding a camera, stalking Sara. The person continues to follow her until she gets on a train. 

She makes eye contact with the person during the train ride, her face revealing that it is hinted to be Aaron. 

This ending holds a lot of potential!

Sara and Aaron could become the slasher trope of final girl vs. serial killer, and I wouldn’t doubt this battle is going to be a bloodbath!

What makes their connection so interesting, is that Sara and Aaron got to know each other. Aaron appears to care about Sara in a twisted way, and I think she is going to be the first person he will ever admire. 

What’s crazy is that the chemistry between both leads was so good, I honestly forgot I was watching a horror movie. 

In another universe if Aaron wasn’t evil, I believe Sara would have been either a friend or his girlfriend!

Wanna hear something even more crazy?

Horror fans are finally getting an update from the Creep horror movies, through a TV show called The Creep Tapes! It will be released on Shudder and AMC +, on November 15th, 2024! 

I’m so excited, because I need to know what is going to happen with Sara! I’m also so curious how Aaron will be taken down, he is probably one of the scariest fictional serial killers in the horror genre!

Thank you for reading!

Emy Quinn 
