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The Ghost Girl

  My grandma lost her right eye when she was nine years old. I asked my mother constantly when I was young, curious about what happened to her.  My mother told me each time that she didn’t know herself, and told me to never ask her, because it was probably traumatic for her. Then my grandma surprised me by telling me the story. It wasn’t what I was expecting.  I assumed she had lost her eye during a horrible accident, but I was met with a supernatural story instead. She told me everything, pointing at the black eyepatch now covering her right eye.  “I saw a little girl when I decided to go for a walk on an abandoned trail. You know the one called Ghost Trail, the one by the river?” I nodded.  “I saw her there when I decided to run away from home, again. She was giggling, walking ahead of me. I grew curious, and I caught up to her. Then I saw her face.” She grew quiet, before continuing on with the story.  “She had no eyes. The top of her face was a blank slate. It was just skin. Then b

The Tinder Date


Elena was so nervous. She didn’t realize that she would instantly find someone on Tinder and go on a date with this person the next day. 

Elena began using Tinder, hoping to find the ‘one’ on here. Her sister didn’t trust the app, and she promised to call 911 in case anything happened, or she got a bad feeling. 

Elena laughed, telling Natalie not to worry.

“El, there is a lot of bad people out there. Haven’t you ever heard of ‘stranger danger?’ Our parents taught us that. And look where that got them.”

Elena shrugged. 

“I understand your concern, sis. But I have a good feeling about this one. This guy seems nice.”

Natalie shoved Elena’s phone in her face.

“You’re seriously judging by this guy’s image on Tinder? Where you can possibly get catfished or get lied to? Don’t believe everything you see online, El. That’s stupid. Are you stupid?”

Elena grinned. 

“I’ll be fine, Natalie. I’m just so nervous, because it’s my first time going on a date. Could you support me for this one? Just for this once?”

Natalie placed her arms on Elena’s shoulders. 

“Just be careful. I worry about you sometimes, Elena. Sometimes I feel that you’re so reckless every time you go out at night.”

Elena hugged her sister. 

“You worry too much. I’ll be fine.”

Elena looked at the guy across from her during dinner. He was quite handsome, and he loved the same things she adored. Sports. Going out all the time. Traveling the world. He was perfect. 

His name was Nash, and he was a gentleman. Everywhere they went, he would open doors for her, ask if she was alright, and he even offered to pay for their meal on the first date. He was a good man. He was perfect. 

Elena could picture herself getting married to this guy. 

Having children. Maybe three. They would name one of them after her best friend, and the other two would be named after his parents or other family members. Her parents died when she was very young. 

They happened to go outside one day, and it was over for them. It was a tragic end for her parents, all because they trusted kind strangers.

Their meal was now over. It was a wonderful date. 

Elena asked Nash if he wanted to go for a walk. She knew the perfect place where they could be alone. Nash appeared uncomfortable at first, but he reluctantly agreed. 

She led him to a park, that was always abandoned at night. There were rumors that drug deals would go on in that place, and no one ever dared to venture out there so late. 

Nash kept looking around, pulling at his coat and gloves. It was pretty chilly outside, but Elena knew that he was uncomfortable being here. Elena thought it was adorable. 

He would make sure their future family would be safe. 

Elena and Nash sat down on a bench together. There was a light post right above them. It was perfect. Elena would tell her future children that this is where they had their first kiss. She nestled her lips against his neck.

Sadly, that picture perfect family would always remain a fantasy.

Elena opened her mouth wide, exposing sharp fangs. 

Then Elena screamed when something sharp was shoved into her chest. She looked down, and saw a stake had been stabbed into her heart. 

Nash got up, leaving Elena alone. She wanted to shout or lunge at him, but she no longer had the strength. She thought of her parents, who had wandered away with friends, only to be killed by them. 

How bittersweet that she met the same end they did. 

All because she trusted the kindness of strangers.

Thank you for reading!

Emy Quinn
