pinterest-site-verification=f146b84ea677a647403075b8d7061d53 Why Darth Vader is One of the Best Villains in Fictional History Skip to main content


I'm Really Excited for Joseph Quinn as Emperor Geta in Gladiator 2

  I know this really isn't horror related, but I have wanted to bring this topic up for a long time.  After watching Joseph Quinn perform in Stranger Things as Eddie, I instantly knew that this actor was going to become huge. So far, he has already made a name for himself in the horror genre, appearing in A Quiet Place: Day One, Stranger Things , and another film that will be directed by the author who wrote American Psycho! I'm so happy to see that Quinn is now going to play a villain in Gladiator 2. I have a gut feeling he is going to deliver one of the best villain performances so far this year. I can't wait to write about Emperor Geta later on, once we get more of a glimpse into his character. Something tells me that this crazy villain is going to be delightfully insane, almost as crazy as some of my favorite horror villains! A new trailer is going to be released on September 23rd, I can't wait to see more of his character! In my opinion, I thought the music choice

Why Darth Vader is One of the Best Villains in Fictional History


Warning: Will contain major spoilers from the Star Wars original trilogy

I was sad to hear that James Earl Jones, who voiced one of the best villains ever brought to screen, has passed away at the age of 93. I grew up with the original Star Wars trilogy, and I never forgot the presence of Darth Vader. 

He proved himself to be a formidable foe, a threat to be feared in the galaxy. The heroes struggled to defeat him for three films, a feat that is pretty rare when it comes to villains!

I couldn’t believe how evil his character was, and the actions he committed to make sure his plans would continue to rule over the galaxy was insane. 

Darth Vader is probably the best villain in the Sci — Fi genre, and I will never forget how amazing this villain was in the trilogy!

Darth Vader destroyed planets with his infamous Death Star.

In the first film of Star Wars: A New Hope, Darth Vader lets a general known as Tarkin to interrogate a captured Princess Leia. Tarkin then decides to test out the Death Star’s power, by using it on Leia’s planet. 

Tarkin blows up the planet of Alderaan, in front of the princess. Darth Vader doesn’t do anything to stop this action, knowing full well that a lot of people would perish. 

That’s pretty damn evil. 

He also blows up another planet in a standalone story: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, to get rid of the crew that found the plans to the Death Star to give the galaxy a fighting chance. 

Darth Vader was the type of villain to not take any chances, and I have to give him credit, he did not give any mercy to those who could possibly be a threat!

Darth Vader is willing to do whatever it takes to put a stop to the heroes who want to defeat him. 

After the main heroes successfully take down the Death Star in Star Wars: A New Hope, it’s understandable why Darth Vader had to resort to drastic measures to take down his enemies in the sequel.

He decides to hire bounty hunters to search for Princess Leia and her companions, and one of the best characters, Boba Fett, is the one to seal the deal with Darth Vader. 

Darth Vader does a horrible trick on the heroes, lying in wait with Boba Fett in Cloud City, that is ruled by Lando, Han Solo’s good friend. 

I remember that I felt so bad for Han in this scene, the betrayal for me as a viewer felt like a punch to the face. 

It’s never implied why Lando was forced to let this villain into his city, but I wouldn’t doubt he was threatened with the harm of his people. 

Darth Vader murders Obi - Wan Kenobi in front of his own son.

Obi — Wan Kenobi was Darth Vader’s own mentor, a bond that had formed and been broken in the prequel trilogy of the franchise. 

Obi — Wan and Darth Vader get into their last battle on the Death Star ship, while Luke and his crew help him free Princess Leia. Poor Luke is then forced to witness Obi — Wan get killed by Darth Vader. 

What’s even crazier, is that Luke is actually the son of Darth Vader, a sad twist that truly makes this scene so much worse. 

And now this brings me to another scene with his son…

Luke Skywalker finds out that Darth Vader is his father, after he cuts off his hand during combat. 

Luke and Darth Vader finally fight for the first time in the sequel, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. During this intense battle, Luke’s hand gets sliced off by Darth Vader, losing the fight. 

As Luke is backing away from Darth Vader in pain, the villain reveals that he is his father. Luke freaks out, having a heartbreaking reaction to this sudden revelation. 

I thought this scene was so freaking evil.

Couldn’t he have told Luke about his parentage before he harmed his son?

Something tells me that he did it on purpose, wanting to psychologically damage his son, and it didn’t help that he literally asks Luke to rule the galaxy with him. 

He totally deserves father of the year right here. 

James Earl Jones has given us one of the best villains in media. His commanding voice made Darth Vader a terrifying force to be reckoned with, and I will never forget his incredible performance. 

Rest in peace, James Earl Jones. You will be missed. Thank you for giving us a memorable villain that fans will cherish forever!

Thank you for reading!

Emy Quinn 
