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The Necklace

  I stole a piece of jewelry, and now I am losing my skin. I stole an expensive necklace from the people that were paying me to clean their house. The wife warned me to not ever touch the gold necklace that was passed on to her from her grandmother.  I didn’t listen, and I paid the price when I decided to put it around my neck. My skin started to deteriorate. At first, I thought nothing of it, until large pieces of my skin started to fall off my arms. There was no blood, it reminded me of a snake shedding its skin. I panicked and ripped off the necklace. It was too late. I can practically see my own bones sticking out of my body now. I called the couple on the phone, and they quickly came back home.  They saw the damage, causally analyzing my fallen skin.  The wife looked at me, and said: “My grandmother put a curse on that necklace years ago. Whoever touches it, will lose their skin forever. They will live as a skeleton for the rest of their lives.” “Why?,” I asked as I could feel my

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