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The Menu is One of My Horror Movie Obsessions

  Credit to Robert Mitchell Evans  You know how we all have our own horror movies that we love to watch over and over? Horror movies that we never get tired of watching? For me, one of these films is The Menu. The Menu is one of the best horror films I have watched in years. Once I heard about the title, I immediately assumed it was going to be a cannibal kind of movie. I was completely wrong and surprised with what the film was really about.  The film follows a woman named Margo, who is attending a food party of sorts, that consists of elite people trying out a well thought out menu by a famous chef. What starts off as an innocent tasting food event, turns into a complete nightmare during the second act of the film.  Margo and the other guests find themselves trapped by the chef and his employees, determined to force them to stay and think about their evil wrongdoings they have committed their whole lives. Of course, the chef continues to serve them his menu, making sure that everyone

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